GRACE Q. SONG is a Chinese-American writer residing in New York City. Her poetry and fiction have been published or are forthcoming in Gigantic Sequins, Sixth Finch, The Boiler, The Offing, The Cincinnati Review, The Minnesota Review, Memorious, North American Review, The Journal, SmokeLong Quarterly, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Waxwing, Four Way Review, Passages North, Southern Humanities Review, Poet Lore, Poetry Northwest, and elsewhere. She has been recognized by The Poetry Society UK, National YoungArts Foundation, the Scholastic Arts & Writing Awards, and more. Recent works were longlisted for Wigleaf Top 50 and selected for inclusion in Best Microfiction, Best Small Fictions, and Best of the Net. She is the winner of the 11th annual Gigantic Sequins Poetry Contest, judged by Vi Khi Nao, and she studies English at Columbia University.